Sunday, December 21, 2008

Who's got two thumbs and is completely nuts???

Hi friends!

So I leave Portland on Monday. That's craaazy man. I think I'm ready though. Oh wait, I should explain a little bit about this little adventure first.

Step 1: Get a sweeeeet Job
Step 2: Save up nest egg
Step 3: Lose marbles
Step 4: Leave sweeeet job in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression
Step 5: Use nest egg to travel around on sailboats to uhhhhhhh?????

There you go. If you're not satisfied with that then go here for a ROUGH idea.

I love you Portland, you've been a good friend.

Love Willy


  1. except you cannot leave on monday willy! YOU CANNOT!

  2. you're right my train was canceled!! looks like wednesday now!!

  3. Damn dude, you rock! I'm very jealous man. Very exciting. I wish you the best.


  4. Willy, your (illustrated) book is all locked up! Keep them comments coming; we're with you all the way! Grandpa Ken
